Standardizing JavaScript
- What makes a standard “Open”?
- How open is JavaScript?
- Organizational Membership
- Consensus Seeking
- Improved Tooling
- Worldwide Standard
- Royalty-Free IP
- Test262 - test suite
GitHub - tc39/proposals: Tracking ECMAScript Proposals
Building an Innovation Engine Inside your Org
- Basecamp
- Creativity
- Embracing Constraints: Time, Money, Resources, People, Laws of Physics
- Scientific Method
- Guiding Principles
- Culture of Learning
- Rapid Prototyping
- Short Loops
- Product-Market Fit
- Incubator vs. Accelerator
- Playground (X) no long term vision
- TEAM: Hustler + Hacker + Hipster
- Success Metrics
- Acquisition
- Activation
- Retention
- Revenue
- Referral
- Single necessary: paying customer
- Books: the lean startup, zero one, the innovators dilemma
VS Live Share Can do That?
Microsoft Azure Team
Javascript in Azure
5 Things :: A show about JavaScript
- VS Code Extension: Live Share
VS Live Share Extension Pack - Visual Studio Marketplace
- Focusing
Guest permission
- Debugger Attach: share port required
- Sharing port: any process expose TCP port, database!
- Share files, share entire environment
- Share terminal
Building Progressive Web Apps
- What is PWA?
- Reliable : offline
- Fast: cache
- Engaging: push notifications, installation, pretty theme
- PWA metric
- respond 200 when off-line
- prompted to install
- register a server worker
- fallback when JS isn’t available
- custom splash screen
- Being Reliable
- Caching; for offline
- Fallback; when no javascript enabled
$ ng add @angular/pwa
Select Progressive Web App
support when generating a project using angular/react CLI
- Being Fast
- Server side rendering
- lazy loading
- Being Engaging
- link manifest.json file
- Google Developers
- Evaluation
- Run Audits on Chrome
Everything You Need To Node
- The Usual Suspects: microservices, backend
- The Unusual suspects: realtime apps, game, machine learning, universal rendering, file reading/parsing, IoT
- Non-blocking, event-driven single thread architecture
‘push technology’ for web socket
- WebSocket: for collaboration
- TensorFlow.js
- Playing Mortal Combat with
Transfer learning and data augmentation -
- Playing Mortal Combat with
- Taking over the universal rendering
- Server-Side Rendering
- SSR in Angular 5+
- File reading & parsing
- synchronously, asynchronously treating files -
- IoT for you and
- Tessel microcontroller
- Realtime Vue & Node chat Progressive Web App
Design for the Mixed Reality World
- Mixed Reality(MR)
- Extended Reality(XR)
- What really is the difference between AR / MR / VR / XR ?
- Control: how to interact?
- User testing
- Behaviour
How to Write Great Docs as a Bad Writer
chrisvfritz (Chris Fritz) / Repositories · GitHub
- Why write docs?
- A feature doesn’t exist until it’s documented.
- Documentation Driven Development
- Writing docs is personally useful
- Permission to ask questions (ask what is not in documentation)
- What’s the goal of documentation?
- Manage emotions: readers should feel smart, powerful, curious
- Do not bore, frustrate, confuse reader -> they stop reading
- Personas (character profile)
- Who are you serving? (Who are the docs actually for?)
- How are they using your docs?
- What are they looking for?
- Very specific stories
- Are they being interrupted?
- Are they have enough time?
- Organizing docs
- Intros (5 minutes)
- References: API listing, Examples/cookbook
- Expert guides: In-depth topics, Style guide
- Overlap is normal
- Trade-offs
- simple..thorough
- beginners..experts
- What to write first?
- Maximize
- Maximize
- Don’t start with the solution/feature, Start with the problem
- (X) Using props
- (O) Passing data to child components with props
- Avoid humor
Respect other people’s time
- Reviewers can’t make docs good unless the doc is already good
- Avoid obsessive perfectionism
Is everything OK?
Listen -> Mirror -> Validate -> Negotiate